Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Can a Healthy Lifestyle Reduce the Effects of Chronic Pain?

Can a Healthy Lifestyle Reduce the Effects of Chronic Pain? | Comprehensive Pain Management Center

Chronic pain can have serious or severe effects that include disruptions in daily routines, a decreased ability to accomplish necessary work-related or personal tasks, and a decreased ability to function independently. Fortunately, many people can lower their exposure to these damaging impacts by making certain lifestyle alterations and adopting healthier daily habits.

Managing Your Weight

In many cases, chronic pain symptoms are worsened by the continual strain of excess body weight. You can avoid this strain by losing weight or keeping your weight within an acceptable range for your age, height and gender. Typically, gradual weight loss proves more sustainable over time than rapid weight loss.

Increasing Your Activity Level

While it may seem counter-intuitive, increased activity may help keep your pain levels at bay. This is true, in part, because a higher activity level makes it easier to lose weight. In addition, a more active lifestyle can potentially help you reduce pain by strengthening your joints and muscles. As a rule, gentle exercises such as walking and light stretching work best for people affected by chronic pain.

Quitting Smoking

Smoking can contribute significantly to ongoing or recurring physical discomfort, especially in individuals with arthritis. This is true because the use of cigarettes and other forms of tobacco can eventually lead to increased strain on the connective tissue that helps keep the body’s joints in good working order.

Eating Healthier Foods

When you eat a generally healthy diet, you typically increase your chances of keeping your body weight within acceptable norms. Since excessive weight frequently has an impact on your pain levels, a balanced diet may help you reduce your exposure to chronic problems with physical discomfort.

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